Shares of Intel and Boeing are posting strong returns Friday morning, sending the Dow Jones Industrial Average into positive territory. Shares of Intel
and Boeing
are contributing to the blue-chip gauge’s intraday rally, as the Dow
was most recently trading 124 points higher (0.4%). Intel’s shares have climbed $0.77 (2.0%) while those of Boeing have climbed $3.54 (1.8%), combining for a roughly 28-point bump for the Dow. Also contributing significantly to the gain are Apple
Goldman Sachs
and Walgreens Boots
A $1 move in any of the index’s 30 components equates to a 6.59-point swing.
Editor’s Note: This story was auto-generated by Automated Insights, an automation technology provider, using data from Dow Jones and FactSet. See our market data terms of use.
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